Celebrate World Book Day sharing your literary passions!


Celebrate World Book Day sharing your literary passions in Mydocumenta! You can do this activity with your students, your children, friends, brothers…

How to participate?

1) It’s very simple, just sign up in mydocumenta.com, create your project in a very intuitive and personalised manner by mixing video, photos, text, songs… anything you would like really!

2) Record yourself with the webcam or your mobile recommending your favorite books, read some fragments, add an image, write opinions…

3) And when it is complete just send your project to the mydocumenta team and we will include in in this website http://www.yourfavoritebooks.mydocumenta.com
How? Clicking on the button «Share project», you can send an email to news@mydocumenta.com

4) And remember from Mydocumenta you can also share your project directly into your FB, Twitter and others!

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